Archive Random Video of the Day

Monday, November 29, 2010

HRC remarks on WikiLeaks

HRC Secretary of State remarks news conference WikiLeaks Fox State Department DC
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton remarks to the press on WikiLeaks release of confidential documents
"Clinton Blasts Leak of Top Secret Documents"
recording location: State Department Treaty Room, Washington, DC
recording date: 11/29/2010
length: 15.05 min.
size: 173.66 MB
download the video by right-clicking on the link
Note: Manually name the file to "clinton_wikileaks_FNC_112910_13-35_FNC_HIGH.mp4". The download only appears to be 2 GB in file size and stop after some time. But the download/video will be complete :)

remarks transcript

Saturday, November 20, 2010

HRC interview NBC Meet the Press Lisbon

HRC Secretary of State interview Lisbon Portugal NATO NBC Meet the Press
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton interview NBC Meet the Press
interviewer: David Gregory
recording location: Lisbon, Portugal
recording date: 11/20/2010
length: 48:28 min.
(full show, HRC interview at the beginning)
size: 181.25 MB
download the video by right-clicking on the link

interview transcript

HRC interview Fox News Sunday Lisbon

HRC Secretary of State interview Lisbon Portugal NATO Fox News Sunday
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton interview Fox News Sunday
"Secretary of state on foreign policy challenges facing Obama administration"
interviewer: Chris Wallace
recording location: Lisbon, Portugal
recording date: 11/20/2010
length: 11:31 min.
size: 132.67 MB
download the video by right-clicking on the link
Note: Manually name the file to "fns_CLINTON_FNC_112110_14-19_FNC_HIGH.mp4".
The download only appears to be 2 GB in file size and stop after some time.
But the download/video will be complete :)

interview transcript

HRC interview CBS Face The Nation Lisbon

HRC Secretary of State interview Lisbon Portugal NATO CBS News Face The Nation
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton interview Face The Nation
"GOP Must Go Past Politics, Ratify START"
interviewer: Bob Schieffer
recording location: Lisbon, Portugal
recording date: 11/20/2010
length: 12:48 min.
size: 98.43 MB
download the video by right-clicking on the link
interview transcript

Friday, November 5, 2010

HRC interview ONE News TVNZ

HRC Secretary of State interview Christchurch ONE News TV New Zealand NZ
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton interview ONE News TV New Zealand
interviewer: Guyon Espiner
recording location: Christchurch, New Zealand
recording date: 11/05/2010
length: 8:35 min.
size: 46.71 MB
download the video by right-clicking on the link
interview transcript

HRC interview 3 News New Zealand

HRC Secretary of State interview Christchurch New Zealand NZ
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton interview 3 News TV, New Zealand
interviewer: Duncan Garner
recording location: Christchurch, New Zealand
recording date: 11/05/2010
interview (excerpt)
length: 3:04 min.
size: 8.51 MB
download the video by right-clicking on the link
interview transcript

HRC in Christchurch New Zealand (full speech)

HRC Secretary of State speech remarks Christchurch New Zealand NZ Antarctica
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speech at an "Event with the U.S. Antarctic Center and Antarctica New Zealand"
recording location: U.S. Antarctic Program Center, Christchurch, New Zealand
recording date: 11/05/2010
full speech
length: 12:07 min.
size: 33.54 MB
download the video by right-clicking on the link
speech transcript (complete)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

HRC news conference Wellington New Zealand

HRC Secretary of State interview Christchurch New Zealand NZ
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton press conference of the signing of the Wellington Declaration, with New Zealand Prime Minister John Phillip Key and New Zealand Foreign Minister Murray Stuart McCully
recording location: Parliament Theatrette, Wellington, New Zealand
recording date: 11/04/2010
press conference video (complete)
length: 22:01 min.
size: 60.90 MB
download the video by right-clicking on the link
press conference transcript (complete)