Hillary Clinton in Grand Rapids, Michigan location: Central High School "Change We Need" Rally date: 09/27/2008 speech excerpt length: 6:11 min. size: 2.9 MB source: blip.tv download the mp3 by right-clicking on the link
Hillary Clinton one-on-one interview NBC Today Show on economic crisis interviewer: Matt Lauer recording location: New York, New York recording date: 09/23/2008 interview length: 4:46 min. size: 17.90 MB source: msnbc.com download the video by right-clicking on the link
Hillary Clinton MSNBC Morning Joe interview "Clinton on a trust crisis" interviewer: Joe Scarborough recording location: New York recording date: 09/23/2008 interview length: 8:15 min. size: 30.67 MB source: msnbc.com download the video by right-clicking on the link
Hillary Clinton one-on-one interview CNN American Morning "Healing the economy" interviewer: John Roberts recording location: New York recording date: 09/23/2008 interview length: 8:22 min. size: 37.86 MB source: cnn.com download the video by right-clicking on the link
Hillary Clinton on economic crisis (CNN) recording location: New York, New York recording date: 09/22/2008 interview length: 5:14 min. size: 23.53 MB source: cnn.com download the video by right-clicking on the link
Hillary Clinton one-on-one interview FBN Countdown to the Closing Bell interviewer: Liz Claman recording location: New York, New York recording date: 09/22/2008 interview length: 6:04 min. size: 38.58 MB source: foxbusiness.com download the video by right-clicking on the link
Hillary Clinton news conference Q&A opening of Adecco Shared Services Center in Rochester, NY location: Gates, New York date: 09/19/2008 Q&A (uncut) length: 10:25 min. size: 38.19 MB source: 13wham.com
Hillary Clinton one-on-one interview Good Morning America interviewer: Diane Sawyer recording location: GMA's "Whistle-Stop Express", Albany, New York recording date: 09/15/2008 part one length: 5:19 min. size: 19.90 MB part two length: 4:18 min. size: 16.11 MB source: abcnews.com download the videos by right-clicking on the links